
Microcarbo pygmaeus  ·  Pygmy Cormorant

id 68112
datum 3 juni 2019
gemeente Maasdriel (GE)
locatie Hurnse Kil
coördinaten N 51.80614  O 5.2970
aantal, kleed 1, adult zomer
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) G de Jong, M Koning, F Bos et al
opmerkingen photographed, videoed (Dutch Birding 41: 281, plate 378, 284, plate 385, 2019). The first twitchable in nine years. The sighting in Gelderland was reported belatedly. Plumage comparison by the committee confirmed it was the same individual as the one in Noord-Brabant: both missed the same tail feather, and the summer plumage pattern was identical. Not surprising, given the two sites are only 30 km apart and the dates nearly connected. Based on corresponding tail moult, it possibly concerned an individual that was first seen in Belgium in 2018.
gekoppelde gevallen 68112 3 juni 2019
Maasdriel (GE) Hurnse Kil
68047 5 t/m 6 juni 2019
Oss (NB) Keent


Génol de Jong · Dwergaalscholver

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