Falco rusticolus · Gyrfalcon
id | 24788 | |
datum | 14 oktober 2011 | |
gemeente | Katwijk (ZH) | |
locatie | Katwijk aan Zee | |
coördinaten | N 52.21290 O 4.4059 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, eerste-winter | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | J. Engberts, F. Klootwijk, R. Floor et al | |
opmerkingen | 14 October, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, grey morph, photographed (J Engberts, F Klootwijk, R Floor et al); 28 October to 18 March 2012, between Westdorpe, Terneuzen, and Maagd van Gent, Sluis, Zeeland, first-winter, grey morph, photographed, videoed (P L Meininger, P A Wolf, M Berlijn et al; Birding World 25: 11, 2012, Dutch Birding 34: 51, plate 54, 63, plate 77, 68, plate 88, 126, plate 174-175, 2012). The bird flying past Katwijk aan Zee is considered to be the same individual as the one wintering in Zeeland because of similarities in plumage. On 23 October 2011, five days before it turned up in Zeeland, it had been found just across the border in Belgium (Dutch Birding 33: 397, plate 517-518, 2011). During the first weeks of its stay, it was very mobile and seen at sites many kilometres apart. Later, it settled itself in the polders between Philippine and Sluiskil, Zeeland, perching for hours on electricity pylons, and its presence was enjoyed by 100s of birders. Annual Report 2011. | |
gekoppelde gevallen | 24788 |
14 oktober 2011 Katwijk (ZH) Katwijk aan Zee |
24789 |
28 oktober 2011 t/m 18 maart 2012 Terneuzen (ZL) tussen Westdorpe en Maagd van Gent |
24790 |
28 oktober 2011 t/m 18 maart 2012 Sluis (ZL) tussen Westdorpe en Maagd van Gent |

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