Tarsiger cyanurus · Red-flanked Bluetail
id | 67518 | |
datum | 25 t/m 27 november 2017: 3 dagen | |
gemeente | Groningen (GR) | |
locatie | Beijum | |
coördinaten | N 53.24998 O 6.5830 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, eerste-kalenderjaar | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | J. Bosma et al | |
opmerkingen | 25-27 November, Beijum, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, first calendar-year, photographed (J Bosma et al; Dutch Birding 40: 68, plate 87, 155, plate 208, 2018). What is it with the suburb of Beijum and rare birds? Within 13 years’ time, this urban oasis has now hosted Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator, Hume’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei, Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis, (a still pending) Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus and this species. Three of these rarities were found by the same observer. Annual report 2017. |

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