Acrocephalus melanopogon · Moustached Warbler
id | 67302 | |
datum | 18 t/m 21 maart 2017: 4 dagen | |
gemeente | Altena (NB) | |
locatie | Brabantse Biesbosch - Polder Maltha | |
coördinaten | N 51.76281 O 4.8026 | |
aantal, kleed | 1 | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | J. Bosch et al | |
opmerkingen | 18-21 March, Polder Maltha, Brabantse Biesbosch, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (J Bosch et al; Bosch 2017; Dutch Birding 39: 142, plate 222, 2017). Who would have thought that the second record would come only a year after the first? For twitchers, it was déjà (non) vu. Although the distance to the bird was much smaller than in 2016 and it sang more or less continuously, this bird too refused to show to all but a few lucky observers. The trick to find this species seems to be to check singing Acrocephalus warblers in very early spring. Annual Report 2017. |
Julian Bosch · Zwartkoprietzanger
Julian Bosch · Zwartkoprietzanger

Peter Nuyten · Zwartkoprietzanger
Topdrukte in Biesbosch om zeldzame vogel [hartvannederland.nl]
Zwartkoprietzanger in de Biesbosch [dutchbirding.nl]
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