Amerikaanse Tafeleend
Aythya americana · Redhead
id | 67018 | |
datum | 19 januari t/m 13 maart 2016: 55 dagen | |
gemeente | Westerkwartier (GR) | |
locatie | Zuidhorn - Uiterdijk | |
coördinaten | N 53.25910 O 6.4297 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, adult mannetje | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | G. van Noord et al | |
opmerkingen | 19 January intermittently to 13 March, Van Starkenborghkanaal, Aduard, Noordhorn and Zuidhorn, Zuidhorn, Groningen, adult male, photographed, videoed (G van Noord et al; Dutch Birding 38: 194, plate 298, 256, plate 391, 2016). This unringed bird provoked much discussion. In the canal where it was observed on 13 days during its 55-day stay, it mainly associated with Mallards Anas platyrhynchos but most of the days it could not be located as it appeared to move around quite a lot. A few primaries and tail-feathers showed some minor damage. Regardless, it was twitched by many birders. Since the species is regarded as a possible vagrant to western Europe (eg, records in Britain, Iceland and Ireland) and the bird’s behaviour and plumage were considered to be not at odds with a wild bird, the CDNA accepted the bird as the first. Annual Report 2016. |

Gert-Jan Versteeg · Amerikaanse Tafeleend, Zuidhorn, 2 februari 2016, Gert Jan Versteeg
Michael Kopijn · Amerikaanse Tafeleend, Zuidhorn, 2 februari 2016, Michael Kopijn
Luuk Punt · Amerikaanse Tafeleend, Noordhorn, 13 maart 2016, Luuk Punt

Will Schep · Amerikaanse Tafeleend, Noordhorn, 12 maart 2016, Will Schep
DB 41:331 Amerikaanse Tafeleend bij Zuidhorn in januari-maart 2016
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