Daurische Klauwier

Lanius isabellinus  ·  Daurian Shrike

id 4490
datum 24 t/m 25 september 2003: 2 dagen
gemeente Texel (NH)
locatie Horsmeertjes
coördinaten N 53.00510  O 4.7474
aantal, kleed 1, adult vrouwtje of eerste-winter
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) L.J.R. Boon, R. Pop et al
opmerkingen 24-25 September, Horsmeertjes, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult female or first-winter, photographed, videoed (L J R Boon, R Pop et al; Birding World 16: 373, 2003, 17: 38, 2004, Dutch Birding 25: 426, plate 495, 2003). The CDNA could not agree upon the age of this bird. The tertials and greater wing-coverts were very probably adult but the unclear face-mask and pale bill are more in favour of a juvenile or first-winter. Previous records were in May 1995, December 1996 and October 2000. Annual Report 2003.


Leo JR Boon · Daurische Klauwier René Pop · Daurische Klauwier

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