
Aegolius funereus  ·  Tengmalm’s Owl

id 3425
datum 1 februari 2000
gemeente Schiermonnikoog (FR)
locatie Tweede Dennenbos
coördinaten N 53.49275  O 6.1688
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming vondst
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) A. van Guldener, G.A. Noorman, A.J. van Loon
opmerkingen 1 February, Tweede Dennenbos, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, found dead, photographed, skin retained in private collection G A Noorman (A van Guldener, G A Noorman, A J van Loon). Records of Tengmalm's Owl outside their former breeding grounds in Drenthe (and in 1976 probably Noord-Brabant) are very rare and always concern birds found dead. This is the fourth such find, as well as the second record for Friesland. The three previous finds of dead birds were in 1975 at Farmsum, Groningen, in 1980 at Lelystad, Flevoland, and in 1993 at Zwolle, Overijssel. Annual Report 2000.


André J van Loon · Ruigpootuil

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