Bastaardarend | Schreeuwarend

Clanga clanga | pomarina  ·  Greater | Lesser Spotted Eagle

id 32041
datum 24 mei 2015
gemeente Bergen (L) (LI)
locatie De Hamert, Pikmeeuwenwater
coördinaten N 51.52150  O 6.1704
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) J.E. Kikkert, H. Rothoff, R. Fransman
opmerkingen 24 May De Hamert, Bergen, Limburg, photographed (J E Kikkert, H Rothoff, R Fransman). The identification of spotted eagles requires good views and documentation. This bird was seen and photographed in flight and identified as a Lesser Spotted Eagle A pomarina. The CDNA was, however, not convinced that the description and photographs were detailed enough, especially when it comes to ruling out the genuine possibility of a hybrid. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level. Annual Report 2015.


Jan Erik Kikkert · Bastaardarend | Schreeuwarend | Bastaard x Schreeuwarend Jan Erik Kikkert · Bastaardarend | Schreeuwarend | Bastaard x Schreeuwarend

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