Sykes' Spotvogel
Iduna rama · Sykes's Warbler
id | 3008 | |
datum | 11 oktober 1986 | |
gemeente | Almere (FL) | |
locatie | Kromslootpark | |
coördinaten | vervaagd | |
aantal, kleed | 1 | |
soort waarneming | (ring)vangst | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | C.J. Breek, K.A. Mauer et al | |
opmerkingen | 11 October, Kromslootpark, Almere, Flevoland, ringed, photographed (C J Breek, K A Mauer et al; Dutch Birding 9: 41, plate 29, 1987). This bird was previously accepted as Booted Warbler A caligatus. However, most plumage and structural characteristics fit Sykes's Warbler better than Booted. The tail seems rather short for Sykes's but the central tail-feathers appeared to be growing on this bird 'and this surely contributes to the slightly shorter-than-normal looking tail' (Lars Svensson in litt). A paper detailing this first record has been prepared for publication in Dutch Birding. Annual Report 2004. |

DB 28:219-224 artikelen - Sykes’ Spotvogel bij Almere-Haven in oktober 1986
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