Swinhoes Boszanger
Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus · Two-barred Warbler
id | 3007 | |
datum | 2 oktober 1996 | |
gemeente | Terschelling (FR) | |
locatie | paal 18, Oosterend | |
coördinaten | N 53.42239 O 5.3869 | |
aantal, kleed | 1 | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | A. Ouwerkerk, R.E. van der Vliet et al | |
opmerkingen | The previously accepted record from Paal 18, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, on 2 October 1996, has been rejected after review. This bird was identified, submitted, accepted and published (van der Vliet & Ouwerkerk 1998; Dutch Birding 18: 277, plate 281, 1996, 20: 290, plate 246, 1998) as Arctic Warbler. However, after publication of a photograph showing the wing in detail, sharp-eyed birders noted that on the photograph the emargination of the sixth primary (numbered from outside) can be seen (Peter Kennerley in litt, Brian Small in litt); this feature is counterdiagnostic for Arctic Warbler and fits the greenish warbler-complex P nitidus/plumbeitarsus/trochiloides. The characters shown seem to fit Two-barred Warbler P plumbeitarsus best (of which there is one previous record) and the record is currently recirculating as such. A paper discussing the identification of this bird will soon be published in Dutch Birding [Annual Report 1998]. 1996 2 October, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (A Ouwerkerk, R E van der Vliet et al; van der Vliet 2001; Dutch Birding 18: 277, plate 270, 1996, 20: 290, plate 246, 1998, 23: 192-193, plate 220-222, 2001). This record had previously been accepted as referring to Arctic Warbler P borealis (cf Wiegant et al 1998). However, questions were raised following a note detailing the observation (van der Vliet & Ouwerkerk 1998) after which a thorough analysis revealed its true identity as Two-barred Warbler. The detailed background information leading to the reacceptation as Two-barred Warbler has recently been published (van der Vliet et al 2001) [Annual Report 2000]. |
Goud van Oud: Swinhoes Boszanger op Terschelling in oktober 1996: gevalletje loodpoot [dutchbirding.nl]
DB 23:191-195 artikelen - Two-barred Warbler on Terschelling in October 1996

DB 20:290 artikelen - Noordse Boszanger op Terschelling in oktober 1996
DB 21:6 artikelen - Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1998
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