Oxyura leucocephala · White-headed Duck
id | 2932 | |
datum | 6 april 2007 | |
gemeente | Leidschendam-Voorburg (ZH) | |
locatie | Starrevaart | |
coördinaten | N 52.09900 O 4.4330 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, vrouwtje | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | E. de Lange | |
opmerkingen | 6 April, Starrevaart, Leidschendam, Zuid-Holland, female, photographed (E de Lange; Dutch Birding 29: 186, plate 245, 2007). This bird was not identified in the field but afterwards by Max Berlijn while looking on the nowadays numerous internet sites for reports of rare birds (where it was posted as Ruddy Duck O jamaicensis, a regular species at this site). This was the first record since 2003 and the 14th - involving 15 individuals - since 1851. Annual Report 2007. |

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