Aegolius funereus · Tengmalm’s Owl
id | 2059 | |
datum | 23 februari t/m 19 juli 2008: 148 dagen | |
gemeente | Aa en Hunze (DR) | |
locatie | Boswachterij Schoonloo | |
coördinaten | vervaagd | |
aantal, kleed | 9 | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | M. Jonker, J. Klaver et al | |
opmerkingen | 23 February to 19 July, Boswachterij Schoonloo, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, nine (two breeding pairs with two and three young, latter three ringed on 8 July), photographed, sound-recorded (M Jonker, J Klaver et al; Jonker et al 2008ab, van Manen et al 2009; Dutch Birding 30: 309, plate 379, 310, plate 380-381, 312, plate 382, 2008); The two breeding pairs represented the first successful breeding to be confirmed since 1979. Although a few singing males had been documented in 1980-2007, no breeding could be established. This small breeding population offered the opportunity to a new generation of birders to see or hear this species. Immediately after the discovery of two calling males, a few successful excursions were organized in co-operation with local nature conservation managers. For the rest of the breeding season, the forest was closed at night for all visitors. At least three of the young died after fledging, probably being predated by a Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis. Annual Report 2008. |
Dick Groenendijk · Ruigpootuil
Dick Groenendijk · Ruigpootuil
DB 30:141-142 actueel - Succesvolle zoekactie naar Ruigpootuilen
DB 30:309-312 artikelen - Succesvolle broedgevallen van Ruigpootuilen in Drenthe in 2008

Marnix Jonker · Ruigpootuil
Hans ter Haar · Ruigpootuil
Natuurbericht | Ruigpootuil broedt weer in Nederland [natuurbericht.nl]
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