
Uria lomvia  ·  Thick-billed Murre

id 12113
datum 23 oktober 2005
gemeente Schiermonnikoog (FR)
locatie Noordzeestrand
coördinaten N 53.50419  O 6.1889
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) K. Hendriks, S. Rijnbeek, B, Wielstra et al
opmerkingen 23 October, Noordzeestrand, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photo­graphed (K Hendriks, S Rijnbeek, B Wielstra et al; van Bemmelen et al 2005; Dutch Birding 27: 448, plate 560, 2005). The bird was seen during a passage of record numbers of Little Auks Alle alle. Although it was photographed, it took some time before the CDNA was convinced about the bird's identity (it was first rejected and then accepted after review, cf van der Vliet et al 2007). A paper documenting this record for Dutch Birding will deal with the identification of Thick-billed Murre and confusion species. It was the eighth record but only the second of a bird seen alive. Annual Report 2011.


Martijn Renders · Kortbekzeekoet

DB 35:88 Kortbekzeekoet langs Schiermonnikoog in oktober 2005

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