Clanga clanga · Greater Spotted Eagle
id | 8457 | |
datum | 5 november 1892 | |
gemeente | Weert (LI) | |
locatie | Boshoven | |
coördinaten | N 51.25527 O 5.6795 | |
aantal, kleed | 1 | |
soort waarneming | vondst | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | via J.J.F.J. Jansen | |
opmerkingen | 5 November, Boshoven, Weert, Limburg, collected, photographed, skin retained at Missiemuseum Steyl, Limburg (via J J F J Jansen; Riotte 1922, 1923; Jaarber Club Nederl Vogelk 5: 97, 1915, Natuurh Maandbl 39: 90, 1950). The 1892 record becomes the second ever. The first was at Schoonheten, Overijssel, on 27 October 1891. Thanks to the visit of an investigative birder to the museum at Steyl, the true identity of this specimen (previously accepted as Lesser Spotted Eagle A pomarina) has finally been resolved, after more than 100 years! All these years, the supposed identification had been based on a single photograph published in Natuurhistorisch Maandblad. The relatively pale gingery underparts probably induced confusion with Lesser Spotted but are not uncommon in juvenile Greater Spotted Eagle. Annual Report 2004. |

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