Ross' Gans

Anser rossii  ·  Ross's Goose

id 69765
datum 8 oktober 2023
gekoppeld aan 69731
gemeente Sluis (ZL)
locatie Het Zwin, Cadzand-Bad
coördinaten N 51.35682  O 3.3756
aantal, kleed 2, adult
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
opmerkingen A metal-ringed adult appeared among Pink-footed Geese A brachyrhynchus at Eidsbotn, Trøndelag, Norway, on 18 September. Three days later it was joined by a second, unringed individual. The two birds lingered in the area until at least 4 October. The ring code was partially read, enough to confirm that the bird was ringed by the Canadian Wildlife Service in Nunavut, Canada. On 7 October, they were relocated at Store Vildmose in northern Denmark and later that day sighted over Ulvedybet and Mandø. The next morning the two birds, together with 19 Pink-footed Geese passed three sites along the Dutch coast before flying into Belgium. The following day, Belgian birders relocated the flock in the vicinity of Stalhille, West-Vlaanderen, where they remained until 5 March 2024. On 13 January 2024, the ring number could be read by Filip de Ruwe: 2127-23516 (Dupont et al 2024). The Canadian Bird Banding Laboratory responded that the bird had been ringed as an adult (>1cy) male on 4 August 2017 in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. On 9 March 2024, both birds were relocated in a group of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Friesland where they stayed until 1 April. Later in spring, the two were found in northern Germany, southern Sweden, Estonia and central Norway, after which the ringed individual without its partner was last seen in southern Finland on 12-14 May. The ringed bird provided the first irrefutable evidence of vagrancy of a wild Ross’s Goose into Europe.
gekoppelde gevallen 69731 8 oktober 2023
's-Gravenhage (ZH) De Vulkaan, Westduinpark, Den Haag
69765 8 oktober 2023
Sluis (ZL) Het Zwin, Cadzand-Bad
69766 8 oktober 2023
Rotterdam (ZH) Slag Maasmond, Maasvlakte
69733 9 maart t/m 1 april 2024
De Fryske Marren (FR) Brekkenpolder, Lemmer en verder Uitheiingpolder, en Tacozijl, en Polder Wollegaast, en Huitebuursterbuitenpolder, en Heaburgen, Nijemirdum, en Hoite Brekken, Tjerkgaast


Kees Vliet Vlieland · Ross' Gans Kees Vliet Vlieland · Ross' Gans

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