Westelijke | Moltoni's | Balkanbaardgrasmus

Sylvia inornata | subalpina | cantillans  ·  Western | Moltoni's | Eastern Subalpine Warbler

id 68016
datum 30 mei 1990
gemeente Noardeast-Fryslân (FR)
locatie Engelsmanplaat
coördinaten N 53.45133  O 6.0564
aantal, kleed 1, vrouwtje
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) L. Hofstee
opmerkingen 30 May, female, photographed, caught and released (L Hofstee). The 1990 bird flew into the island’s warden’s cabin, where it was caught by hand. The single slide taken got lost but was re-found nearly three decades later. Totals exclude birds accepted at species level. Annual Report 2018.


Lenze Hofstee · Westelijke | Moltoni's | Balkanbaardgrasmus

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