Larus delawarensis · Ring-billed Gull
id | 67593 | |
datum | 19 t/m 29 januari 2017: 11 dagen | |
gemeente | Wijchen (GE) | |
locatie | Loonse Waard, Wijchen | |
coördinaten | N 51.78894 O 5.6995 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, vrouwtje | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | J. Nagtegaal via V. Hart, R. Wester et al | |
opmerkingen | 19-29 January, Loonse Waard, Wijchen, Gelderland, probable female, photographed, videoed (J Nagtegaal, via V Hart, R Wester et al; Dutch Birding 39: 137, plate 210, 2017). This was certainly not a typical Ring-billed Gull and therefore the first observer did not submit his find. It took other birders more than a year to do so. It was a slender built bird, with a fairly obvious white tertial crescent and a relatively dark mantle. The bill and primary pattern on the other hand, were spot on for Ring-billed. The very rare possibility of hybrid Ring-billed x Common Gull L delawarensis x canus (that has never been proven) could perhaps not be fully excluded but after some discussion it was decided that the full set of characters fell within the variation of Ring-billed. The previous record in 2012 concerned a more classic bird that was found by the same observer. Annual Report 2017. |

Fotovergelijk VS / Loonse Waard [dutchbirding.nl]
Discussie vogel Loonse Waard [dutchbirding.nl]
Jeroen Nagtegaal · Ringsnavelmeeuw, Wijchen, Loonse Waard, 19 januari 2017, Jeroen Nagtegaal
Guido Verhoef · Ringsnavelmeeuw, Wijchen, Loonse Waard, 24 januari 2017, Guido Verhoef
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