
Zoothera aurea  ·  White's Thrush

id 67290
datum 26 september 2016
gemeente Den Helder (NH)
locatie Julianadorp - Nieuwe wijken
coördinaten N 52.89307  O 4.7403
aantal, kleed 1, eerste-kalenderjaar
soort waarneming vondst
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) G. J. Abeln
opmerkingen 26 September, Julianadorp, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, dead, window victim, skin retained at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (G J Abeln). This species continued its long streak of untwitchable records, with both a new and an old window victim that came to light. There are (only) three field records, against three ringed birds and no less than 14 corpses. One of the dead birds was found as a Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus prey, all others died due to one antropogenic influence or another. A twitchable bird is long overdue, since the last (and only) one dates back to October 2004. Annual Report 2016.


G.J. Abeln · Goudlijster G.J. Abeln · Goudlijster G.J. Abeln · Goudlijster

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