Grijze Wouw
Elanus caeruleus · Black-winged Kite
id | 67091 | |
datum | 27 augustus 2016 | |
gemeente | Wierden (OV) | |
locatie | Nijverdal, Wierdense Veld | |
coördinaten | N 52.37365 O 6.5048 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, adult | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | W. Veneman | |
opmerkingen | 27 August, Wierdense Veld, Nijverdal, Wierden, Overijssel, adult, photographed (W Veneman). Again, a crazy number for one year! The first record of this former mega rarity was in 1971, the second in 1998 and the third in 2000. The remaining 15 followed since 2009, with six in 2015 and four in 2016. Limburg is now the only province without any. A paper documenting the range extension and strong increase in vagrancy of this species in Europe was published by Ławicki & Perlman (2017). Annual Report 2016. |

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