
Zoothera aurea  ·  White's Thrush

id 4241
datum 1 oktober 2004
gemeente Velsen (NH)
locatie IJmuiden
coördinaten N 52.45278  O 4.5698
aantal, kleed 1
soort waarneming veldwaarneming
status Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA
waarnemer(s) M.S. Robb, M. Berlijn, S. van de Water et al
opmerkingen 1 October, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, videoed (M S Robb, M Berlijn, S van de Water et al; Robb & Winters 2004). A record year. The bird at IJmuiden was the first ever to be twitchable. It flew some distances but eventually returned to the spot where it was first found. During these flight sessions, the bird showed all diagnostic field marks to the birders present. However, only a lucky few managed to see the bird on the ground. Record numbers were also reported elsewhere in western Europe in autumn 2004, with at least six reports from Britain. There are now 17 records, of which only three were not trapped or found dead or injured. The CDNA has now received several reports of thrushes for which the observer(s) only describe the underwing pattern of their bird, which should in their opinion establish the identity of their bird as White's Thrush beyond doubt. However, the CDNA wants to point out that a description of only this body part insufficiently rules out other thrush species, and hence will lead to rejection of the report. Annual Report 2004.

DB 26:429 actueel - Goudlijsterinflux in Nederland en West-Europa


Magnus S Robb/The Sound Approach · Goudlijster


Sander van de Water · Goudlijster vliegend voor groep vogelaars; foto afkomstig van een video still

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