Stejnegers Roodborsttapuit
Saxicola stejnegeri · Amur Stonechat
id | 26429 | |
datum | 8 t/m 23 oktober 2012: 16 dagen | |
gemeente | Texel (NH) | |
locatie | Robbenjager | |
coördinaten | N 53.18045 O 4.8595 | |
aantal, kleed | 1, eerste-winter man | |
soort waarneming | veldwaarneming | |
status | Aanvaard, gepubliceerd in jaarverslag CDNA | |
waarnemer(s) | D. Kok et al | |
opmerkingen | 8-23 October, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (D Kok et al; cf Cade & Collinson 2015). An exceptional record in more than one respect. This warmly coloured stonechat stayed for 16 days on Texel, where it was seen by many birders (who were assuming they were looking at a Siberian Stonechat S maurus). Remarkably, on 24 October, the same individual (recognized by feather details when comparing photographs) was relocated at Portland Bill, Dorset, England, where it was trapped and ringed. The identification as Stejneger’s Stonechat was clinched after mtDNA analysis – the first to be identified with certainty for the Netherlands, Britain and the WP!. Annual Report 2014. 2012 # NOORD-HOLLAND Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 8-23 October, first-winter male (was first-winter), photographed, videoed (Ebels et al 2021). Annual Report 2021. |

Discussie Stejnegers Roodborsttapuit/DB fotogalerij [dutchbirding.nl]
ID-Note Stejneger’s Stonechat in Korea: A Quick Introduction with Images [birdskorea.org]

Stejneger's Stonechat' in Dorset: New to Britain
DB 34:426 Opmerkelijke ontknoping rondom Stejnegers Roodborsttapuit op Texel
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